B.S. (Hons.) Computer Science
with specialization in Software Product Development
About B.S. (Hons.) Computer Science
India's only work-integrated B.S Hons program with assured
internships at top tech companies at end of first year

Career Pathway
Potential Recruiting Partners

Program Structure
The program has 4 types of courses broadly defined as -
Delivery powered by QUADRANGLE
Quadrangle is a A.I. powered learning ecosystem
that offers an immersive learning experience.
List of Courses
1. The breadth of Computer Science - 1
2. The breadth of Computer Science - 2
3. Data Structures & Algorithms
4. Discrete Mathematics
5. Computer Organization & Architecture
6. Operating Systems
7. Design & Analysis of Algorithms
8. Database Management Systems
9. Formal Language & Automata Theory
10. Object Oriented Programming
11. Compiler Design
12. Computer Networks
13. Design for Developers
1. Critical Thinking 101
2. Professional Skills for The Workplace
3. Learning How to Learn
4. Principles of Science
5. Mathematical Thinking 101
6. How Human Languages Work?
7. Tools & Techniques for Creative Thinking
8. English LSRW
9. Discovering Self
10. Fundamentals of Business Management
Student Development Activities
Our cutting-edge curriculum is aimed at creating an all-around fascinating learning experience that not only primes up the academic proficiency but also helps nurture students to become the best version of themselves.
The student development activities are a core part of the curriculum and are intended to involve students in free-spirited learning activities that promote crossdisciplinary skills such as communication, confidence, peer learning, presentation, creative problem-solving and interaction with high achievers from the tech industry.
Here’s to name a few that you would be experiencing as part of the curriculum;
These sessions are focused on encouraging learning from peers and experts. The expert sessions would be handled by high-achievers (CTOs, Engineering Managers, SDEs, etc.) from the tech industry, which will give students the exposure to realworld engineering problems and how teams go about solving them. The peer sessions on the other hand would be an opportunity for students from the same class to present new & interesting topics for others to learn from.
Competitive Programming (CP) Club
This one is our personal favorite; sessions under the CP Club are headlined by high achievers from the world of competitive programming - top-rankers from contests such as Google Code Jam, Hash Code, Kickstart, Facebook's Hacker Cup, ICPC, and more. The aim of these sessions would be to teach ideal problem-solving techniques for CP problems, build awareness of CP in one's career as well a roadmap towards landing top tech jobs.
- a recognized board or equivalent with PCMB or PCB as compulsory subjects with at least 50% score
8 Semesters (4 years)